Terms & Conditions

Feature film submissions

Our Feature Film Submissions for 2025 are Now Open!

Enquiries to features@filmfleadh.ie

Visit our Filmfreeway page here

Feature Film Submissions Rules & Regulations:

  • The festival gives PRIORITY to World, European and Irish premieres in considering competition categories. Films that have screened at other festivals on the island of Ireland will receive less priority in terms of programming and if selected will screen out of competition. We do not accept films that are online, screened on television or available on streaming platforms.

  • A feature film is considered to be 52 or more minutes in length.

Submission fees and deadlines:

Early bird deadline: Monday December 9th, 2024, at 11:59p.m. G.M.T. €30 entry fee.  

Regular deadline: Monday February 10th, 2025, at 11:59p.m. G.M.T. €40 entry fee.  

Late deadline for International Features: Monday March 10th, 2025, at 11:59p.m. G.M.T. €50 entry fee.  

Late deadline for Irish Features: Friday April 4th, 2025, at 11:59p.m. G.M.T. €50 entry fee. 

  • We do not provide waivers or discount codes. Thank you for your understanding.

  • The festival is not obliged to view late entries.

  • The festival does NOT pay screening fees for titles that have been submitted. Refunds will not be issued for submitted films.

  • All categories and genres of film are accepted.

  • All languages are accepted. Submissions and screeners of non-English language films must contain English subtitles.

  • All competition categories are judged by the audience and/or a jury of industry professionals. Only feature films over 60 mins will be considered for in-competition categories.

  • Filmmaker(s) must obtain all necessary licenses, as well as waivers for copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, and any other relevant intellectual property rights.

  • Please upload your video file to FilmFreeway where possible. This is done under “My Project” section of FilmFreeway. If you are providing a link, please do-so using reputable secure sites such as Vimeo or YouTube.Ensure your video is unlisted/private and ensure the password you provide us is correct and the film is watchable until at least the end of June 2025. 
    *Please ensure, if providing a link, that it does not expire until the middle of June 2025. We do NOT accept Google Drive or Dropbox links as submission links. 

  • We accept picture-locked rough cuts of films. Please note this in your submission and notify us when a new version is available to watch. For work in progresses, a new version can be changed out on vimeo/ uploaded to replace your project on Filmfreeway but we may have already watched the older version, so you’ll have to email us at submissions@filmfleadh.ie 

  • The project you upload/send on Filmfreeway is just for judging, it is not the file that will be screened at the festival if selected, you will be sent further instructions on what is required for projection. There is a limit of 10GB file size for uploading your film to Filmfreeway, otherwise, follow the standard Vimeo/YouTube requirements.

  • All applicable licenses and waivers of copyrights, moral rights, trademarks and other such intellectual property rights must have been secured by the filmmaker(s)

  • Selections are made on a rolling basis – therefore, you may be notified before the notification date listed on FilmFreeway.

  • If selected, you will be informed of the latest date at which content must be delivered to the festival and all the technical specifications required. You will be required to fill out a technical form detailing formatting specifications such as aspect ratio and audio format etc. This is to ensure that we can provide your film with the best possible screening.

  • If selected, the entrant agrees that up to one minute of their film (visual or audio) may be used by the festival in promotional activities. These can include screening a clip-on television, radio, the festival’s website, promo reel and/or social media presences.

  • If selected, we recommend that you observe a standard broadcast safe area for any titling or subtitles, otherwise your subtitles may be cropped during projection in some venues.

  • The festival reserves the final say on the awards categorisation of successful entrants.

  • In submitting to Galway Film Fleadh, the Festival may occasionally contact you about relevant industry events and updates

  • Due to the volume of submissions, the festival is not able to provide feedback on selection status.

Last updated 2nd September 2024 

Award categories

-Best Irish First Feature
-Best Irish Film
-Best Irish Documentary

-Best Independent Film
-Best International Film
-Best International Documentary

-Peripheral Visions Award (for a first for second International feature)
-Best Cinematography in an Irish Film
-Generation Jury Award