

Strategic Plan


Audited Accounts

Governance Overview

The purpose of this Governance Policy is to establish a framework for effective and transparent governance of the organisation, outlining the roles, responsibilities, and ethical guidelines for our Board of Directors and staff.

Galway Film Fleadh is the registered trading name of Galway Film Fleadh Limited which is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. At present the Board of Directors comprise of seven members from a variety of professional backgrounds relevant to the work of the charity. The organisation complies with all regulatory requirements and is committed to the principals of the charities governance code including advancing the charitable purpose, behaving with integrity, leading people, exercising control, working effectively and being accountable and transparent. 

Galway Film Fleadh is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity (CHY 20153731). The organisation keeps detailed books and records of accounts and maintains strict financial controls. The organisation is transparent in its audited financial statements, with the most recent statements (2022) available here. These statements are compliant with the Statement of Recommended Practice for not-for profit entities as developed in the UK (SORP), which is currently accepted as best practice in Ireland. 

The legal and financial responsibility for Galway Film Fleadh is vested in the board of directors, and the management is delegated to the CEO and Festival Manager. The organisation is open, honest and fully transparent in its fundraising activities, the proceeds of which all go towards the primary activity of organising and promoting an annual film festival. Our Governance Policy is reviewed annually and amended as needed and approved by the Board of Directors.

Galway Film Fleadh is part of the Cinema Digital Consortium, a digital capacity-building project, funded by an Arts Council Capacity Building Grant, for the five film organisations in receipt of Arts Council Strategic Funding:

Irish Film Institute

Galway Film Fleadh

Cork International Film Festival

Dublin International Film Festival

access Cinema

Find out more about the about the digital consortium and view the charter here