
Galway Film Fleadh presents: Solstice

The events of 2020 have altered the trajectory of our film industry, and as we forge ahead into the future, the Fleadh is reflecting on the road we’ve travelled. ‘Solstice’ is a selection of films that chart a journey from the Irish ‘first wave’, right up to the millennium and the cusp of the modern day Irish film landscape.

Poitín (1978) directed by Bob Quinn

Anne Devlin (1984) directed by Pat Murphy

Atlantean (1984) directed by Bob Quinn

Reefer and the Model (1988) directed by Joe Comerford

Hush-a-Bye-Baby (1990) directed by Margo Harkin

Korea (1995) directed by Cathal Black

The Fifth Province (1997) directed by Frank Stapleton

The Gamble (1998) directed by Paddy O’ Connor

Country (2000) directed by Kevin Liddy

Bernadette: Notes on a Political Journey (2011) directed by Lelia Doolan

This programme is not a comprehensive history of early Irish cinema (for which would be required a far longer list of names and titles), but rather a curated selection of highlights, informed by availability of formats and screening rights.

Some of the films presented are celebrated as pioneering Irish works, for breaking new ground, or for cracking the international market. Others were made between ‘waves’, between film boards, between the pages of Irish film history. They are all deserving of reacquaintance with an audience. And the Film Fleadh is proud to make these films available to audiences worldwide this holiday season.


Our Solstice programme has been such a hit with the Irish diaspora all over the world, we’ve added Tom Collins’ 2007 powerful emigrants’ tale, Kings:

Kings (2007) directed by Tom Collins

These films are available to stream until February 28th.


Principal funder